She showed a profundity beyond that of any woman, or man for that matter, I had ever met. She could do complex maths in her head, find the right words to comfort in any situation, but most of all, she could read.
I remember the first time I saw her. She sat beside me on the bus, flipping the pages of a novel as though she was looking for a particular phrase.
I asked her, "What are you reading?"
"One of my favourites. What passage are you searching for?"
"I'm reading, not searching."
How could anyone read that fast? She'd make it through a library of books in a month.
"Do you actually retain any of it?"
"Every word? If you've read the book, ask me about a particular passage."
I shook my head. "This is some kind of scam. You've read it hundreds of times and can quote it or something. I won't be made a fool of."
"Suit yourself." She stuck her nose back in her book and flipped the pages again. I noticed just how cute her nose looked and smiled. Maybe she was telling the truth. I couldn't let her get away.
"What's your name?" I asked.
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